Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How you love..............

In my experience, I've
come to an understanding
of love.

I've heard a lot of different
explanations. I'm sure
I'll hear more.

However, in my experience,
there is only one love.
Many expressions. Perhaps
different levels. But only,
one love.

As I've shared, love starts
with yourself. Loving yourself.
Loving YOU. Its a choice
AND an action.

Second, love is expressed
FROM you TO others. Again,
a choice AND an action (i.e.
'letting others know that you
love and value them').

Third, there is a love that
is expressed on a romantic
level. My experience and
view is, for this love to
be truly amazing as it is
intended to be, you must
first have made the choice
to love yourself and the
many people you are
connected with and those
you have yet to encounter
or meet.

I feel love for people that
I see every day. I mean
people I don't know. Those
I've never met.

I realize the miracle that
they were born. Regardless,
of how perfect or imperfect
they may appear. Regardless,
of the hue and tone of their
skin. Regardless of whether
they are outwardly attractive
or not. Regardless of their
gender. These things have
nothing to do with my
choice to love people.

I might clarify. I don't 'learn'
to love others. I choose to
love them. After my choice
was made, I begin to feel
that love. (Its amazing how
that happens :)

Now, I might 'learn' to love
them at a different level,
thus, with a different expression
than I do others. This does
and should happen. We
have need of love at
different levels and different

But, there is only one love
in my experience.

Wanted to share with you.
Thought that this might

I love YOU,


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