Monday, September 24, 2007

Attitude Training

Less than a year ago, I found myself in beautiful Tampa, Florida.

I had received a call from a CEO there who expressed his need

for my help. He told me that morale in his company was far

below what it needed to be. He asked me to come in and train

his upper management in positive thinking.

I had other business in Tampa and didn't see him until my third

day there. I walked into his office suite (and was it ever 'sweet').

This man had started this company 'with his own two hands'

(as he put it). He was very proud to say that he had 'run this

company single-handedly for 32 years'.

He started in telling me how his management and employees

had a very bad attitude towards him, his company and his industry.

His sales staff was turning over every six months. His VP of sales

had been with him one year and he felt as if he was about to put in

his resignation.

To my horror, he offered me the job as his sales manager. I told

him 'no thanks' faster than a stroke of lightning in the middle of

a Texas thunderstorm. In fact, he hired me for a month at more

than the salary he was paying his sales manager on an annual basis.

He let me know that he could 'probably double that for me'. This

poor man was clueless (and I'm about 1000% sure that he won't

see this article here :).

The first order of business was for him to pay my full fee upfront.

I knew that what I had to tell him might affect how good my

check would be if I waited until the end of my services with


He put me up at very lovely resort 3 blocks from his office.

My first day (after making sure my check had cleared) he

sent someone to pick me up. We arrived at his office and

I promptly went into his office suite.

He had a list of all of his 'troubled managers'. He wasn't

wanting to fire any of them but he did want me to 'fix'

their attitudes. I told him that we would be spending

our first week on 'his' outlook and philosophy of his


As you can imagine, this poor guy had no clue that the

basic problem in his company, was him. Much to my

surprise, after getting over his shock that I would be so

direct in confronting his attitude, he agreed that he knew

that he had 'allowed his managers and employees'

drag his attitude down as well. (Clueless again.)

Friend, everything starts and stops with leadership.

This man had a lot of pride. However, secretly I

think that he knew that the problem in his turnover,

financial loses, bitter disputes with customers and

almost all out war with his competitors are stemmed

from him.

I spent the first two weeks working with him and his

upper management. I spent one-on-one time with

each one of them (he had 12 in all). I ate lunch with

them, watched football games with them and even

drove a few of them on the golf course (I don't play

golf; well I do but you wouldn't want to see it. Its

not a pretty site.)

If everything rises and falls on leadership, then

leadership rises and falls on attitude.

I determined whether his 12 managers were really

sold out to the company of whether or not they were

irredeemable. I listened to their complaints, gripes

and general unhappiness. We identified why they

were still with the company and discovered their

future hopes for themselves and their employment


You have an amazing power within your control

at this very moment. It is the power of choice. You

can choose to have an awesome attitude or you can

default into negativity. Let me be very direct.

Negativity leads to poverty. Positivity leads to

prosperity. For you. For your company. For your


The great motivator and author, Keith Harrell said

it best. 'Attitude is Everything!'

We developed a training program that is still being

utilized in that company. We called it 'attitude training'.

Along with all technical aspects of a business enterprise

'attitude training' will determine profits.

Attitude is far beyond 'positive thinking'. It is the perpetual,

consistent outlook that you choose to have. I believe that

attitude can be taught. When attitude is taught, then it can

be caught and have a phenomenal synergistic effect on


It might seem trite now, but when Zig wrote many years

ago about, 'stinking thinking', he discovered a key that

would make or break an individual or a company.

Do a check up from the neck up right now.

  1. Rate your overall attitude regarding life in general.

    Give it a 10 for possessing an awesome, powerful

    attitude. Give it a 0 if your attitude stinks.

  2. Make a decision now to do something about your

attitude if you know that it needs improvement.

  1. If you are a business owner or manager, take responsibility

for the morale that exists around you. You can't change what

you won't acknowledge.

  1. If your personal or corporate profits are suffering find out why.

    Even though you may have changes in your industry and business

    you still need to assess you 'umbrella of attitude' that exists in your

    company and environment.

  2. Be honest if you are having trouble with your own attitude.

    Also, if it is something that you don't know what to do about,

    get some outside help.

Take action to turn your personal attitude to one that seeks, explores and

finds new opportunities.

If you haven't done so in a while, set some new goals in your life and/or

in your company. If you feel that you or your company has lost its edge,

then decide now that you are going to do something about it.

Go to the local bookstore and find a book on attitude. Hire a consultant

to come in an assess where the problem is.

Start some 'attitude training' in your company. I guarantee that if you

identify with this article, your profits can and will go up very quickly

we you choose to turn attitudes around.

Do something to stir your passion up again for your life and/or business.

Take positive action today.

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