Friday, September 28, 2007

Attitude Training, Part 5

Can you imagine a gnat on the backside
(as Forrest Gump called it, 'Ma buttocks!')
of an elephant? I mean a gnat can
certainly be annoying if it is flying around
you head. Especially in your face. But,
as you can imagine, it is little consequence
on an elephant's 'buttocks'.

Have you ever been walking down the
street and a little tiny dog charge at you
like it was a police dog chasing down a
thief (like you've seen on those cop shows
on television)? I mean if it is a little
chihuahua, you might at first be startled
but then you realize that it couldn't hurt
a fly?

Part of the aspects of a powerful attitude
for success is what I call, 'Success Armor'.
Let me explain.

Invariably in your life, you will experience
rainy days. Likewise, you will also experience
someone who doesn't like you. For reasons
you could never dream of, they just don't
care for you. And then sometimes, for
'no reason at all' you cross the path of people
like that.

Another huge caution sign, blinking your
face, that I should share with you is,
the more success you experience, the
bigger target you become. When you
experience success, money or fame,
you set yourself up as a target for people
who are frustrated with they own lack.

Like the next conflict to arise in Congress,
you can count on it. You can also count on
it not being too far away from happening.

So WHEN this happens, what do you do?

I love the books and teachings of a fellow
Texan, Jerry Clark. Jerry teaches a concept
called, 'Rhino Success'. Like a rhinoceros
charging through the jungle, you can live
your life undaunted by those who don't
understand what you're about.

Part of your powerful attitude for
success, must be that you have a
plan in order to deal with opposition
from other people. In fact, as a
side note here, the difference between
reacting and responding is having a

First, be completely aware that unwarranted
challenges will present themselves to you
through other people. Its going to happen.

Second, realize that those who might be
jealous and/or envious of you are in
fact dealing with themselves, not you.

I know that it is difficult to see this
sometimes, but this is in fact what
they are doing.

They are seeking a feeling. They are
attempting to 'scratch an itch' deep
within their mind and emotions. You can
rest assured that they have no clue as to
what they are doing. They truly believe
that their job in life is 'set you straight'
or get you fixed.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has an amazing attitude
when it comes to people attacking him.
Dr. Dyer says, “What you think about me
is none of my business”.

Dr. Dyer goes on to teach that, 'we don't
see others as THEY are; we see others as
WE are'.

Like the chihuahua, they are really harmless
in their verbal attacks or schemes that
they enact against you. In rare situations
a person like this can attempt something
extreme that definitely needs to be dealt with.

However, much of the time, whatever they
do can do no more than hurt your feelings
(unless you've prepared yourself for such).

Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor, had,
some of the greatest and wisest perspectives
of living that I've ever witnessed.

He said that people who act unbecoming need
not be opposed (except in the extreme situations
that I mentioned earlier). He said their suffering
for being that way is already enough punishment.
I interpret that to be that they are already suffering
due to their own lack of self-esteem, confidence or

Prepare yourself for just such personal attacks.

Deal with such attacks, in your own heart and
mind, with wisdom and understanding.

Recognize that ultimately the attack likely has
little consequence other than hurting your feelings.

Decide today that you are going to build a
rhino-like success armor for staying focus even when
attacked, challenged or criticized.

When you are ready to engage your personal, success
power at warp speed, go to

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