Sunday, January 4, 2009

You need to know this about YOU......

You need to know that there
is only ONE like you. That you,
with all your uniqueness, your
smile, your heart and your
amazing presence, no matter
if you're here online or in
person, YOU are a light to
brighten this world.

I know that there is so much
love and care you have for
others and for the entire world.
You are truly amazing!

When think about all the negative
news, the heartbreak, the broken
promises, the wars, the fights and
the chaos, there is still one place
that I know is beautiful and can
be at peace.

Where is its?

Its about 18 inches below your brain.

You have more love that can
extinguish all the hate in the
world. You have more compassion
that can heal every hurt in the
world. You have dreams that
make this world an amazing
paradise and beauty-full place
to live.

I'm thank-full for you! I'm glad
you're here. I'm glad your light
is shining for all the world to

Cascading love,


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