Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quick reminder of who you are...............

Hey, just wanted to send
you a quick reminder about
who you are.

In fact, it is why you feel special
and unique. It is why you have
those thoughts that you have.
You know. When you're thinking,
"If the whole world really knew
me and knew my heart, they
would see who I really am and
how much love I really have."

I know why you are here with me.
I know why, through this crazy
pipeline of FB and the Internet,
(which in itself is all amazing),
that I found you and you found

Why are we here together?

Well, though there are many
reasons. But a BIG ONE is,
that I can remind you that
you were born a miracle.
Your chances of being conceived
were one in tens of millions.

No matter where you are. No
matter where you've been or
what you've been through. No
matter what you're going through
right now. There is one FACT
that remains true (and you nor
anyone else can change it).

YOU are a miracle! You started
out that way and YOU STILL ARE!

I'm here to remind you!

Loads of love and big hugs,

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