Friday, January 30, 2009

Expressed love.......

I was with my cousin yesterday. My
uncle passed away a few days
ago and I spoke at his funeral
service. My cousin is a very
successful attorney in Dallas.
He is 14 years older than me.

I've never seen anyone who
genuinely expressed love as
he does. He is always happy.
He is kind to everyone he meets.

I noticed today at lunch how
endearing he was to the sweet
little Korean waitress we had.
He is like that with everyone.

Charles, my cousin, is an inspiration
to me.

After the funeral, the funeral
director took us to Charles' mother's
grave. I knew he wanted me to
get out of the car with him
to walk over to his mother's grave.

Charles had promised his five
daughters that he would
tell 'Nenaw', (the affectionate
name they gave their grandmother),
that they loved her still. 'Nenaw'
has been gone for several years.

Charles stood at 'Nenaw's grave'.
I watched his lip begin to quiver
as he called out each of his
daughter's names and told 'Nenaw'
that she was loved and sorely
missed. He cried as he buried
his head into my shoulder.

I think that somehow, Nenaw
heard what he said. All I felt
was love.

I hope I can encourage you to
make love a priority in your life.
You'll be happier, You'll be more
fulfilled. And you'll feel amazing
love in return.

Have a blessed and love-filled

With great love from my heart to yours,

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love declines......

I found a very interesting tool on
FB. It is called 'Lexicon'. It tells
you how much a single word is
used on the FB network by users
like me and you.

I naturally wanted to find out about
the word 'love'. It is very interesting
that during the last quarter of 2008,
there is a steady decline of the usage
of this word.

You can go and join Lexicon and see
for yourself. The link is at .

You can also contrast two words like
'love,hate', 'friend, enemy', 'good, bad',
etc. I'm very happy to report that in
ALL of these words, that I contrasted,
the positive words were used far
more than the negative opposites.

Nonetheless, I'm wondering if there
is a direct parallel to the decline in the
usage of these words and what all
our economy, country and world
are going through.

The other night, I rewatched the
video documentary of "The United
States of America versus John
Lennon." I was pretty young back
'in the day' when John and Yoko
staged their 'love in'. However,
as I watched this video, I came
to a belief that I'm sure impacted
the war in Vietnam. I now believe
that the case for love and peace
ultimately ended the war.

I'm on a campaign today to not
only get men and women talking
about love, but, actually expressing
it to each other. Many of our
misguided thoughts and impressions
about love have distorted what love
really is all about.

I believe that love is going to
ultimately win the day. It is the
most powerful force that we
can express upon the planet.

That's why I share my thoughts
with you each day. It is why I
share my love with you. I'm truly
honored that you would hear
my voice and choose to listen.
I'm amazed at how many people
respond to these thoughts.

I honestly feel amazing love
for you and for all who are
gathered here.

Today, I ask you to consider
these words I've shared with
you. How you feel and what you
say today, does make a difference.

I thank you for accepting my love
and for allowing me to be a part
of your life, your mind and your

Boundless love from my heart to yours,


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clarifying love......

Stephanie told me, "Ever since
I was a little girl, all I ever wanted
was someone who would love me.
But, no one ever has. I've never
known love in my life."

I shared a short message with you
recently about there being only one
kind of love. That love is agape;
divine love; God's love.

Years ago, I also found myself in a
place where I felt alone. I wanted
encouragement. I felt I had no one
to encourage me.

One day, I was feeling a bit sorry
for myself and was sad because
I did not feel encouraged.

As I was feeling this way and even
focusing on it, I heard the voice
within. It said, "Michael, you are
the greatest voice in your own
life. In fact, you listen to yourself
more than you listen to anyone else.
Encourage yourself."

It was an epiphany for me. I started
encouraging myself that day.

Receiving love is much the same way.
As I've shared, you must first love
yourself. When you do this, you
choose love as a way of life. You
consciously begin to love others.

I found that as I encouraged myself,
I was filling myself up with encouragement.
When I did this, I could more easily
give encouragement to others.

True love, agape, is expressed in
eros and phileo. Eros is between
two people who go to a different
level of love in a romantic way.
Phileo is the brotherly love that you
feel for your friends in your life.

But, if you check the source of
both of these expressions of love,
you'll find that they come from the
same reservoir of agape.

The scriptures tell us to, "Love God,
love others, love yourself." There
is only one love. It is agape. You
choose this love as a way of life.

When you do, you'll never feel
unloved again.

This is why, I can honestly say,
I love you.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just a thought about the power of love......

Have you ever thought about the
true **power** of love? I mean,
what giving, living and receiving
love can affect?

Think about this. The folks of
my generation (now 50s
something) grew up in the
60s and 70s (just after the
dinosaurs vanished from the
earth :-).

All of the hippies and yippies
were talking about 'love'. Now
I'm not sure that a lot of it
wasn't actually about indulgence,
but the word 'love' was still
everywhere. The Beatles and
others were singing about
it. Our generation was
certainly talking about it.

Just think about how fashion,
society, culture, art, music,
religion and so much more
were influenced by this era
and its theme of love.

Think about how a simple
carpenter from Nazareth
(I'm talking about the town
in Israel; not the rock group
:-) affected the world. Jesus
is still affecting the world.
He came with a message
of love.

I could cite several other
examples of how people
promoted love and touched
and even changed, the

Is hate more powerful than
love? That's like asking if
the dark is more powerful
than the light? Of course
its not. Light always dispels
darkness. It can never get
'dark enough' to overcome

Love is somehow thought
to be weak or passive. It
is not. Love is a spiritual
power that overcomes
every evil imaginable.

No **big** revelation.
Just think about the power
of love and what it can

It is far more than amazing
when you consider it.

Just a thought.

Bounds of love to you today,

Sunday, January 25, 2009

This will make your day....better.....

Five years ago, I was sitting on
a park bench 'inside' WalMart,
waiting on my mother. She was
doing some shopping and I had
driven her there.

A Colonel Sanders looking elderly
gentleman walked up and asked
if he could sit down beside me.
He obviously loved turquoise
jewelry. 4 rings. A bracelet
and his boa were all adorned
in the beautiful blue stone. They
all matched his glistening bright
blue eyes.

We chatted about WalMart,
Sam Walton and this commercial
power that has taken over America.

I pounced on the opportunity to
hear his story. I knew he had
one just by looking at him.

He told me several war stories
and about being in Italy, England
and Russia. We sat for nearly
an hour and he never came up
for air :-).

To say the least, I found every
detail amazingly intriguing and
gained quite an eduction from
this interesting man.

Every body has a story. They've
seen wonderful times and daunting
times. They are all dying for someone
who will listen.

Let me tell you a sure-fire, quick
way to enrich your own life today.
Somebody that you come into
contact with, is looking for
someone else who wants to hear
their story.

BE that someone today. Actually
look for someone who wants to
tell you their story. It won't be
hard to find someone who is
dying to tell you about their
life. There are many.

However, there are few who
want to listen. Love others
today by listening to them.
Hear their stories. Listen
with your heart. You'll be
amazed at how seemingly
common people aren't
common at all. They've had
extraordinary experiences
and lives.

Make your own day today
by making someone else's

Have an amazing, love-filled day,


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mercy prayer.....

Living here in the South, I've
heard this expression many, many

I remember, as a little boy around
the age of 10 or 11, I came into
my grandma's house scared to
death. You see, there was a boy
named Jimmy who I had met on
the baseball field on the Crockett
Elementary School grounds.

I learned that Jimmy had just
been released from reform school.
That alone scared me. What
was worse, I said something that
made him mad at me. I don't have
a clue what I said, I just know that
he threatened to beat me up.

I was scared.

When I got to my Mama Murphy's
house, I told her that I had ran
almost the entire 3 blocks from
Crockett School. I explained to
her why and I remember that
all she said, over and over again
was, "Mercy me, mercy me,
mercy me."

I think it was her way of saying
a little prayer over me and for
the fear that I was feeling of
Jimmy beating me up.

That phrase has stuck with me
for the past 40 years. However,
today it has different meaning to
me than it did then.

'Mercy me' today, means me asking
for and showing forgiveness to
myself. It is a type of prayer of
divine and self forgiveness.

I'm allowing it to become more
than a simple expression of emotion.
I'm choosing to make it my prayer. A
prayer for forgiveness for myself.
A prayer that helps me to be much
easier on myself.

You too might want to try it.
Maybe a small thing. But small
things can have amazing results.

Much love and 'mercy' to you,

Friday, January 23, 2009

Can YOU forgive yourself?.....

Bobby gave me permission to
share this short story with you.

He shared with me that his
biggest problem he had
in his life was forgiving

Ten years ago, Bobby found
himself in a marriage that
wasn't working and was
down right verbally abusive.
He felt no love, no affection
and no care from his wife.

Bobby also had two teenage
children, ages 14 and 16 at
the time of the divorce.

Bobby repeated what several
have done in his unpleasant
marital situation. He started
having an affair and left
his family. He said that he
felt justified in leaving the
marriage, but now, couldn't
forgive himself for abandoning
his children.

He said, "At first, it wasn't all
that hard. I blamed 'her' for
not loving me and caring for
me like I wanted her to. I also
wanted to give her the same
care and affection. She wouldn't
budge. My biggest regret wasn't
that I got a divorce. That was
inevitable. The thing that I
can't forgive myself for is that
I didn't see my children for
nearly ten years after. Even
though she was horrible
when I tried and even though
I paid every penny of child
support in full and on time,
she gave me hell. So, I gave

There are many things that
you may not have forgiven
yourself for. Your inner voices
always condemning you and
judging you.

My dad was bi-polar. He was
never physically abusive of
us kids. However, he was
certainly mentally abusive.
He was a young father,
only 24 years old with 3

I will never attempt to justify
mental, psychological, physical
or religious abuse of any kind.
However, I have to some how
deal with the way I was raised
and bring some kind of closure
to it. You will have to do the
same if you are going to live
with any peace in your life.

I've found that a lot of people
are hard on themselves because
a parent was abusive some way,
during their childhood.

My encouragement to you today
is, stop the abuse in your head.
Consciously choose that you are
going to forgive yourself for
whatever has happened in your

The starting point, I've found, is
to say outloud, 'Michael, I forgive
you for all the mistakes you've
made in your life.' And then,
if there are some 'biggies',
name them and begin the
process of forgiving yourself.

You DO deserve to feel loved
and be a peace in your own
heart and mind. You have
to be the one to start the
process. I'm here to
encourage you to get

Remember, forgiveness is
for-giving love to yourself
and others.

Sending you great love today,


Thursday, January 22, 2009

This will help you today..........

I want to share something with you
that I believe will inspire you today.
In fact, it will empower you to make
it through what you may be going

I'm inspired by people who have gone
through the most unimaginable trials
and made it through with perseverance,
love and forgiveness. I've met a few.
In fact, there are some right here
among those in the Powerful Attitudes

People just like you. You may have
been through the most horrible of
circumstances and events in your
life, but, there's one thing I know


When you relive, with negative
emotions, such as hate, unforgiveness,
self-pity and blame, bad things
that have happened to you,
you don't destroy those who
hurt you. You destroy your own

Forgiveness is 'for-giving'. It is
choosing love as a standard
for your life. It is 'for-giving'
love to someone (or many
people) who likely don't deserve
to be forgiven.

What some might consider my
biggest fault is really, my biggest
strength. I love to give. I love
to give you encouragement
and love here in these messages.
I love tipping extra when I go
out to eat. I love giving a kind
word to someone that I see
who looks as if they can use
a kind word. I make it a priority
to treat the seemingly 'little or
unimportant people in life',
with respect, love, encouragement
and appreciation.

Yesterday, I went to a small grocery
market here in my hometown. My
mother has been a bit under the
weather and she needed some
food. I was out doing some
grocery shopping for her.

I went to the counter and a
late 30s, early 40s lady named
Marcia was there to take my
money at the cash register.
I asked her, "Marcia, how are
you doing today?"

She told me that she had
just moved to this store
from a store about 10
miles away (same chain).
She said that she was trying
to get used to THIS store
and it was 'trying' on her

I stood there and encouraged
her for no more than 2 minutes.

Her face lit up and she thanked
me for taking the time to talk
to her.

You see, love is 'for-giving'.
Whether its showing love
to someone in your past who
may have hurt you (or even
tried to destroy your life) or
if it is someone like Marcia.

Choose today to give someone
your love. Its done in many
different ways. Also, choose
to give yourself the gift
of forgiving anyone and everyone
in your past (don't forget to
forgive yourself; I'll talk more
about that soon).

Feel the sincere love that I'm
sending to you today!

I appreciate you!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Faith, Hope and Love

I don't about you, but I'm
definitely sensing that right
now is a very critical time
for our nation and the world.

The events of yesterday. The
first African American
president being sworn into
office. The economic crisis.
Some are saying that its
the worst we've had since
the great depression. We
aren't engaged in one, but
TWO wars. Over ten trillion
dollars in national debt.
Corporate America unraveling
in many places and in various

Right now is a time for you and I to
rise up and act out three
virtues that we were instructed
to live out, many years ago.

What are they?

Faith, Hope and Love

We've got to hold on and have
faith in the future. We've got
to connect to our spiritual
core stronger than we've
ever done before.

We've got to continue to dream.
Faith is built on the foundation
of hope. Your hope equals your

Yesterday, the dream that Dr. King
talked about on the steps of
the Lincoln Memorial and echoed
onto the steps of Capitol, were
reversed. The prophetic words
of a southern black preacher
were fulfilled 'in your hearing'
and in your viewing, yesterday.

Hope that is built on that
which is right, will prevail and
be manifested through your

And above all, we must make
the choice to stop blaming
and looking for fault, but instead
choose to unite in our love for
one another. Our love must
be based on the foundation
of the 'truths that we hold
as self evident.' The truths
of freedom. The truths of

Today, our politics have
far less to do with Republican,
Democrat of Independent.
It has to do with being an

I want to encourage you
today to hold these pillars
of life, consciously in your
heart, your mind, your
meditations and your prayers.

Faith, Hope and Love are as
vital to you and me as the
meals we will eat today.
The supremacy of love is
as vital as the oxygen you
and I will breathe today.

I'm here to remind you
(and me).

I appreciate you with great


Monday, January 19, 2009

"Where you'll find your answer......"

I've had an interesting week. A lot
of soul searching and digging deeper.
I read the book, 'Power Vs. Force'
by Dr. David Hawkins. Interesting
book to say the least.

Dr. Hawkins is somewhat of a
controversial figure. That's o.k. with
me. I'm not a 'totalizing' person.
I don't 'hate or love' a book. I run
everything I read through my own
filter. What I see as truth and as
good for me, I keep. The rest
is there on a shelf should I ever
decide to do anything with it.

The big key that is divine confirmation
from this book (for me) is, love
is an amazing power. It is NOT
forceful. In addition, I received
further confirmation that my
divine connection is truly the
most powerful and trustworthy
power in my life.

I've never been one who slept
a lot. I've always been an early
riser. I know that most people
prefer not get up early. I do.
Always have. I like it and enjoy
it (its o.k. if you're saying,
"Ugh!" :-). However, lately
I've been going to bed
earlier and sleeping a little
longer. Really good, sound

I also try to go to sleep with
something profoundly spiritual
on my heart and mind. My
epiphanies usually come shortly
after waking up.

This morning, the voice within
said, "Your answer is found
within." The guidance that
you want and need is found
in your heart. It is bathed
in love, cloaked in peace and
covered with joy. It is divine.

It is quite likely what has been
leading you your entire life. It
is what is making your heart
to beat. It is what is making
'life' to continue in your body.

I'm expecting specific guidance
in my life. I'm looking for it
within. I've too many times,
sought it outside. I've tried
to 'make it happen.'

Dr. Hawkins says that "God
is guiding your life. All that
it takes is for you to start
becoming aware of it." He
calls this 'awareness' or

The answer that you're likely
seeking is inside of you. It
is in that 'still small voice.'

Listen in love.

I truly do feel divinely
connected with you as
my dear friend.

I'm offering this message
to you in great love,

Friday, January 16, 2009

You are one with love.......

I over heard the conversation
in the booth next to me. It was
somewhat disturbing as I was
certainly not trying to eavesdrop.

She said, "I don't feel loved
anymore. I don't feel that love
is any part of my life anymore."

I thought about it deeply.
I reasoned with what I heard
her say. I felt deep compassion
for her.

Its not that hard to figure
out logically. Its pretty
straight forward.

However, you aren't just
an intellectual, logical
being. You are emotional,
psychological and spiritual.

Let me explain it the way
I've read it and understand

1. God is love
2. We are one, united with God
3. We are love

Now, I don't know about you,
but haven't always **felt**
that I am love (or, one with
God for that matter). In fact,
I don't **feel** it all of
the time now.

So, I accept these facts. But
is THAT all there is?

I don't believe so.

But, if it is true, then why
haven't I always **felt**
that I am one with love
(I am love)?

You might want to think
about it this way.

Have you ever loved
someone? Did, at some
point, you stop or at least
cut way down on how
much you TOLD them
that you loved them?

What happens when you
do that?

My guess is, they start
questioning whether you
love them or not.

So what does that have
to do with you and I feeling
like we are one with love?

Simple. We don't tell ourselves.
In fact, you may have not
ever heard of you 'being
love' before.

I think it will help you if
you'll start telling
yourself. When you do
this, allow yourself to
feel it inside. It feels
really good. It refreshes
and cleanses you emotionally
and spiritually.

Allow yourself to think
about this today. Try
it. I think you'll like it :).

Here for you.

Much love,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How you love..............

I've got a couple of
'guy' friends that I
like to hang out with.
We watch football or
basketball. Sometimes
we just talk (mainly
about women and sports
but not always in THAT

One of my buddies is
Dr. Rick. He also
happens to be my
chiropractor. We
get together almost
every Friday for
several hours. We
support, encourage
and learn from each
other. We kind of do
a 'blending of the

Dr. Rick and I really
do care about each
other. We're both
secure enough to
say, 'I love you, bro'
(we have to add the
'bro' part; we aren't
THAT secure, yet :-).

Another buddy of mine
is Bill. We're the same
way when we're

I genuinely love both
of these guys. They
are amazing human
beings. Great souls.

Many years ago, I
was taught there are
different kinds of love.
As I shared with you
yesterday, I've now
come to the understanding
that there's only 'one

I was taught that there is
'eros' which is romantic
love. I was also taught
that there is 'phileo',
which is a brotherly
love (like I feel for
Dr. Rick and Bill and
several other 'guy'
friends of mine). Then
I was taught that there
is 'agape' which is the
spiritual, God-kind of

I've come to the point
that I believe that
there is only 'one love.'
I believe that 'one love'
is 'agape'. I think eros
and phileo are expressions
of that one love.

The way I now see it,
there are different levels
and different expressions
of that one love.

Why would I make such
a big deal about this?

Well, this is where most of us
'guys' get confused. We
are afraid that if we
express love to another
guy that they are going to
take it wrong. We think
that they are going to
think 'eros' when in fact
we mean 'phileo'.

The ancient and true
proverb says that 'we
perish for a lack of
knowledge.' I hope to
clear up some of the
'lack of knowledge'
about love. We've
got to get to the place
that we can love each
other freely, guys and
gals. I think our existence
on this planet will require

So, with that said,

'Bill, Dr. Rick, Bob, John,
Mike, Ralph, Larry, Gary,

"I love you, bro!" :-)

Monika, Patricia, Dorothy,
Mary, Lillianne, Clara,
Susie, Anita,

"I love you!" (.period)

Oh, and I want you to
know, YOU are more
than amazing! You
really are!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How you love..............

In my experience, I've
come to an understanding
of love.

I've heard a lot of different
explanations. I'm sure
I'll hear more.

However, in my experience,
there is only one love.
Many expressions. Perhaps
different levels. But only,
one love.

As I've shared, love starts
with yourself. Loving yourself.
Loving YOU. Its a choice
AND an action.

Second, love is expressed
FROM you TO others. Again,
a choice AND an action (i.e.
'letting others know that you
love and value them').

Third, there is a love that
is expressed on a romantic
level. My experience and
view is, for this love to
be truly amazing as it is
intended to be, you must
first have made the choice
to love yourself and the
many people you are
connected with and those
you have yet to encounter
or meet.

I feel love for people that
I see every day. I mean
people I don't know. Those
I've never met.

I realize the miracle that
they were born. Regardless,
of how perfect or imperfect
they may appear. Regardless,
of the hue and tone of their
skin. Regardless of whether
they are outwardly attractive
or not. Regardless of their
gender. These things have
nothing to do with my
choice to love people.

I might clarify. I don't 'learn'
to love others. I choose to
love them. After my choice
was made, I begin to feel
that love. (Its amazing how
that happens :)

Now, I might 'learn' to love
them at a different level,
thus, with a different expression
than I do others. This does
and should happen. We
have need of love at
different levels and different

But, there is only one love
in my experience.

Wanted to share with you.
Thought that this might

I love YOU,


Monday, January 12, 2009

Sending some love to you..............

When I was a child, I
learned a phrase that
is quite likely some of
the best advice I've ever

I sensed it in my own
heart and mind. In fact,
even as a 6 foot tall
7th grader, and even
though I was really into
sports, I had a very
sensitive side to me
that made this phrase
even more profound.

Today it means more
to me than it ever has
before. Especially with
the ups and downs, hurts,
disappointments and
sometimes daunting
challenges of life.

The phrase I learned

"Let everything be done
with love."

You see, I was taught
that 'love covered all
wrong.' Not just things
I'd done wrong. But
ALL wrong. Whatever
was wrong, love
would fix it.

As I've been sharing
with you lately, I'm
planting, invoking,
injecting love into
everything. Its just
a matter of taking
conscious actions.

I'm injecting love into
every organ of my
body. I'm confident
that love can and will
be health and vitality
to my physical body.

I'm injecting love into
my finances, business
and bank account. I
believe it can and will
make a huge difference.
I believe it will prosper

I'm injecting love into
people that I normally
have a difficult time
with. You know. Even
those that are in your
memory and aren't a
part of your present
experience. However,
they seem to never die
in your mind whether
physically present or

And, of course, I'm
injecting love into
this and every message
that I send to you.

To take it at least
one more step further,
I'm injecting love into
your life. I'm honored
that you're connected
with me. I want your
life to be filled with
love. There's nothing
I could want any
more than that for

Think about this
message today.

"Let everything be
done with love. Let
everything be filled
with love."

With loads of love
and gratitude to


Sunday, January 11, 2009

This will feel good to you......

Have you ever heard of
your 'emotional center'?
I mentioned it in my last
note to you.

The best I can describe
where it is, it is near
the top of your stomach,
just below your sternum.

This is THE place that you
will feel the emotions
that are evoked as a
response to words that
you hear or say.

When I get a focus, an
awareness, a consciousness
on my emotional center
and then, **breathe** in a
certain word like 'love',
I feel it spread out from
my emotional center.

For instance, when I'm
focused on and sensitive
to my emotional center
and **breathe** in
the word 'love', I feel
it 'as if' it is plowing
into my soul and allowing
love to flow in.

You might experience it
a bit differently, but I
can assure you that
with your focus on your
emotion center, you will
feel something. And, it
will feel good.

Each positive word I
breathe in and out, has
a little different feel to
it. All of them feel good.

Negative, limiting and
lacking words don't feel
the same. So I don't
recommend that you even
try using them. I want
you to feel good. Just
take my word for it, please.

Oh, I might share with you,
when you **breathe** in
the word, just take a deep
breath as you say or
think the word in your mind.

I'm sure I'm not the first one
that ever had the intuition to
do what I'm sharing with
you. Some one very likely
discovered this a long time
ago. However, it is something
that is new to me and I'm
recognizing its power to
affect me.

I want you to experience all
of the love, joy, happiness and
peace that you deserve.

And, for those of you out there
that don't feel loved, please
know that I love you along with
many, many friends that I'm
connected with here.

Avalanches of love to you!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is 'to you' and 'for you'........

I thought that you might need
this today. Kind of a follow up
from yesterday's message I sent
to you.

There's a certain feeling that I
get in my emotional center of
my body (solar plexus) when
I speak words.

The key, that I shared yesterday,
is to become aware of the
feeling and effect of words
in your emotional center. Notice
how a word 'feels' when you
speak it verbally or silently.

Now, as you become more
conscious of your emotional
responses to certain words,
focus on the word 'love'.

You'll find a very special sense
and wonderful emotional
response to 'love'.

Now, I would encourage you
to 'plant' love into every
part of your being. When you
do this, you will find that
love is amazingly powerful.

Further, I would encourage
you to 'plant' love into your
relationships, your job, your
business, your career, your
bank account, your spirit
and every part of your body.

I'm convinced that you will
be healthier when you do
this. Get focused on it.
Especially if you are sick.
'Plant' love in that area
of your body that is ill.
Do it all of the time. Do it

I remember the ancient
philosophic minds and
music of Lennon and
McCartney :-), said,
"All you need is love!" :-)

I sincerely send loads of
love in the words above.
They are 'to you' and 'for


Friday, January 9, 2009

You should try this......

I did a little exercise that
came to me intuitively
this morning while I was
still in bed.

I wanted to share it with
you. I was surprised at
what I felt.

It is simple.

Just close your eyes
and either say or
simply think, words
like 'love, peace,
happy, joy, compassion,
light, kindness,
gentle, charged,
energy'.....and any
other words that you
know to evoke positive

Now, the key is,
with your eyes closed,
notice any feelings
you have physically in
your body AS you say
these words.

Take them one at a time.
And with each one, notice
where you feel and how
you feel as you say the

I know it sounds like a
'feel good' seminar type
exercise, but I've never
done it before. Never
thought of doing it.
Maybe you have.

I think you'll see why
you should choose words
that are positive and good
in your thoughts and in
your speech.

Let me know what you

Much love and abundant blessings,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Quick reminder of who you are...............

Hey, just wanted to send
you a quick reminder about
who you are.

In fact, it is why you feel special
and unique. It is why you have
those thoughts that you have.
You know. When you're thinking,
"If the whole world really knew
me and knew my heart, they
would see who I really am and
how much love I really have."

I know why you are here with me.
I know why, through this crazy
pipeline of FB and the Internet,
(which in itself is all amazing),
that I found you and you found

Why are we here together?

Well, though there are many
reasons. But a BIG ONE is,
that I can remind you that
you were born a miracle.
Your chances of being conceived
were one in tens of millions.

No matter where you are. No
matter where you've been or
what you've been through. No
matter what you're going through
right now. There is one FACT
that remains true (and you nor
anyone else can change it).

YOU are a miracle! You started
out that way and YOU STILL ARE!

I'm here to remind you!

Loads of love and big hugs,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This surprised me......

I don't know about you, but it
is oftentimes not so easy to
live out what you've learned.

Let me explain.

While watching a special on
PBS a few years ago, I heard
Dr. Wayne Dyer share some
amazing wisdom that immediately
arrested my attention and
resonated deep inside of me.

He said,

"What others think of me
is none of business."

Now, if you are like me, you
love that kind of profound
insight. However, it might be
a little different when you
are given the 'opportunity'
to really put it into practice.

Yesterday, I got the
**opportunity** to put that
wisdom into practice.

I ran into a guy that I've
known for a while. I don't
know him all that well but
I've had a few short
conversations with him.

His name is Tony. Tony is
one of those kind of people
that doesn't speak up well
enough to hear what he's
saying. So being polite,
I do a lot of smiling and
ums, ahs, 'reallys?' and
the like.

Tony started telling me about
people that he didn't like
and believed were 'fake'.
I knew several of the people
that he was talking about.

I pointed out several good
things that I knew about
each one of these folks.

Well, this didn't set too
well with Tony and he
mumbled something about
me indicating that he thought
I was 'a fake'. I'm glad I
didn't hear it all.

He asked me if what he
thought of me offended
me. I responded with,
"Tony, how you feel about
me has nothing to do with
how I feel about you."

He said that he didn't
understand (I don't think
he'd ever heard that
response before. And
frankly, I'd never heard
it come out of MY mouth

I said, "Tony, do you know
what I appreciate and
admire about you?"
Eyes wide open and not
being able to look directly
at me, he said, "No."

I told him, "Tony, I've
seen you with your wife
before and I am amazed
at how much you two
obviously love each other.
How long have you all
been married?"

Tony started telling me
how he and Mary met
up in Wisconsin. He told
me in great detail all of
the events that led up
to them being married
now for over 30 years.

I listened to a wonderful
story that made Tony
feel great in telling and
likely, changed his mind
about me.

Why was I so surprised?

I was pleasantly surprised
that I got to 'live what I've
learned.' Its one thing to
get inspired by someone
like Dr. Dyer. Its another
thing to deal with 'Tony'.

I hope this helps you today.

I'd love nothing more than
to tell you that I respond
with wisdom all of the
time. But that's not the
truth. I don't. But
yesterday, to my surprise,
I did.

A friend of mine told me
once, "Wisdom is like
a wrist watch. It isn't there
to impress others nearly
as much as it is there to
serve me in telling me
the time."

Have a super blessed
day today and look for
an opportunity to act
wisely and lovingly towards
someone else. It will make
YOUR day amazing!

Much love,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Biggest fear......

I was wondering if
you've ever considered
what it is that you fear
the most in your life?

I was talking to a friend
yesterday that reached
out to me because of
some things she is going
through. She didn't say
it, but as I reflect now,
I heard it in her voice.

What is IT that I fear
the most?

I'd never asked myself
that before. When I really
got honest with myself,
I was surprised at my

The usual answers were,
'poverty, failure, sickness,
disability, alienation,
rejection...'. But then
I thought, "What is the
ONE THING that I fear
the most?" Then, I got
really honest as I
reached deeper.

I think my answer is
the answer that you
might have if you dig
really deep.

What is it?

It is the fear of not being
loved. When I faced
it, THAT is what it
really is.

Along with being loved
is, being accepted, having
approval and validation.
But the root of it is the
fear of not being loved.

The BIG question is,
"How much do you love

Start there. Start loving
yourself. That is THE place
to start.

Much love for you,


Sunday, January 4, 2009

You need to know this about YOU......

You need to know that there
is only ONE like you. That you,
with all your uniqueness, your
smile, your heart and your
amazing presence, no matter
if you're here online or in
person, YOU are a light to
brighten this world.

I know that there is so much
love and care you have for
others and for the entire world.
You are truly amazing!

When think about all the negative
news, the heartbreak, the broken
promises, the wars, the fights and
the chaos, there is still one place
that I know is beautiful and can
be at peace.

Where is its?

Its about 18 inches below your brain.

You have more love that can
extinguish all the hate in the
world. You have more compassion
that can heal every hurt in the
world. You have dreams that
make this world an amazing
paradise and beauty-full place
to live.

I'm thank-full for you! I'm glad
you're here. I'm glad your light
is shining for all the world to

Cascading love,


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2010 !!!

This helped me. Thought
you might could use it.

It is January 1, 2010.

No? Well, imagine 'as if'
it is.

Look back on 2009.

What did you accomplish?

What successes did you

What did you do that
you'd always wanted to

What changes did you
make that you've always
thought about making?

What actions did you
take that caused those
positive changes?

How happy are you with
your life on Jan. 1, 2010?

What is making you smile
and feeling amazingly
grateful as you think back
over the past year?

Now, get you a notepad,
legal pad, steno notebook,

Write it all down.

Start carrying this with
you and reviewing in

Let it be your constant

If anyone asks you
why you're carrying it
around, tell them,
"Oh, its just a blank
book (pad) that I'm filling
up with some pretty
amazing things. That's

Or, like a friend mine
says, "Oh, its just my

Then, leave them
wondering what you're
up to.

I'm seeing amazing
things happening in
your life, looking
'back' on 2009! :) I'm
seeing dreams

What are you seeing?

Thanks for letting me
be a part of your life.

I appreciate you with love,
