Since the late, great James Allen released his amazing book, 'As A Man Thinketh', over 100 years ago, the message of 'thought producing things' has been proven many times over. The phrase originated with the ancient proverb, 'as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.'
The anatomy of thought reveals it to be a function of the brain we identify as 'the mind'. The mind is an obscured yet evident function of the human brain. The mind is that ability and function of the brain that has potential to even analyze even the brain. It is also the place where events are recorded and retrieved. And most importantly, it is that place where events are interpreted. These interpretations create beliefs and associated emotions.
The starting place to transform your mind to serve you in a desirable and profitable way is to first control your thought. Simply put, language creates thought, thoughts create emotion, emotions determine actions and actions produce results.
While visiting friends in Russia a few years back, I realized that their thinking is very similar to ours here in the West. The primary difference being that they think in Russian while we think in English. Thought involves language. Internal language. Language creates concepts and beliefs.
There are two ways to live your life. You can (1) choose your thoughts or (2) live by default and allow others, society, environment, television, etc., to determine your thoughts.
In the spiritual classic, "The Game of Life and How To Play It, Florence Scovell Shinn says, 'If you don't run your (subconscious)mind, someone or something else will.' If anyone other than you, does your thinking for you, then 'they', not 'you', are determining your life outcomes.
If you are going to be in charge of your mind and your life, you must choose your own thoughts. You must choose the language you allow in your mind. You must deliberately, on purpose, choose thoughts that empower you. Thoughts that direct the rudder of the ship of your life, to the ports that you choose to go.
How To Develop Dynamic, Powerful Inner Language
As you take charge of your inner dialogs and monologues, you will find that your emotions and actions will be directly affected. Most people never consider the way that they communicate with themselves (or the process of thinking). Let's take a look at some aspects of how we talk to ourselves.
First, our inner talk is done in all three personal perspectives, that is, first person, second person and third person singular perspective. Beyond the very power 'I am' perspective, first person, we likewise communicate with ourselves and to ourselves in the second and third person.
A simple decision to get and walk to another part of your home from where you are presently can be accomplish in any one of the personal perspectives. For example, you may communicate with yourself by thining, 'I'm going to get up and go to the kitchen'. If you have a more urgent need to go to the kitchen to do something, you might say to yourself, 'Get up and go to the kitchen'.
Predominantly, we communicate with ourselves in the first or second persons perspective when we want to accomplish a certain task. However, our self image and self concept is more based upon a third person perspective. We may wonder what how other people see us and/or think of us. In fact, our self image or self concept is largely based upon what we think others think of us. Or said another way, how we believe others see us, judge us or love or like us.
When creating inner dialog for personal affirmations, it is important that we make those affirmations in all three personal perspectives. Incorporating all three perspectives gives us a more comprehensive saturation of our subconscious minds.
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